We are fantastic fundraisers! GoRide challenge report.

GoRide challenge to cover the distance from John O’Groats to ChampsÉlysées in Paris, KLCC West Norfolk Sportive and Howdens Joinery raised an amazing £1382.69!!!
£100 Howdens Joinery
£500 KLCC Sportive
£882.69 John O’Groats to Champs-Élysées event
GoRide children and friends rode 3838 laps around Lynnsport athletics track, sold kilograms of cakes and dozens of raffle tickets. To all KLCC and members, our friends, and specially to Julie Stephen, Heather Rugg, Allison Bingham, Abby Marshall, Kinga Malyszka, Sarah Hardy, KLCC Sportive Taem and  GoRide children CHAPEAU!

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Thursday Night Social Rides Are Back !!

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Thursday evening Club rides are back ! Starting on Thursday 4th May 2017. We meet at the Sandboy Pub in Bawsey for 6 o’clock and leave 6:15 sharp, please have lights on for the early season rides and could all U16 juniors be accompanied by an adult. Non-members are welcome but will be expected to join after the first ride. (more…)

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Tri Harder Reliability Ride

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A great morning was had at the Tri Harder reliability ride. We set off at 7:15am from the Sandboy, Maciej and I wondered how our legs would hold up to 90 miles after not riding all winter. Luckily we had a Carl and Kersten to share the wind with (cheers guys). We rode a nice steadypace watching the skies for the forecasted rain which didn’t appear.
After a quick coffee at the Tri-harder shop and signing on we were joined by Ali. We let all the other riders get a head start before the chase started. It wasn’t long before we past a few groups and picked up a nice guy on a fixie who was a bit lost, before stopping to take a few photos.

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