As the spring season has started, and the first Thursday training/social ride has successfully taken place this week I thought I’d take time to provide an update on club membership.

The club as of 1st May 2017 has 137 members. Of this membership 18% are Juniors and 8% are 2nd Claim members, the remainder being senior 1st Claim members and of the total membership 70% are male. Geographically though very much centred on Kings Lynn we have members as far afield as St Neots, Spalding and North Walsham.
Thank you all for joining.
With membership comes benefit, this year what we have is:

- 10% off Full Price at TriHarder in Dereham
- 10% off Full Price at Richardsons Cycles in Kings Lynn
- 10% off Full Price at Pedal Revolution in Norwich
- 10% discount on Youth Hostel Association Bookings
- Discount on British Cycling Membership
- Access to ALL KLCC Time Trials
- Opportunity to race for KLCC
- Thursday night seasonal rides
- Weekend social rides
- Winter training/social rides including MTB rides
- Spinning classes at local gyms
- Priority entry into KLCC Sportive (NEW for this year)
- Go Ride events for Juniors (up to 18 years)
- Ladies Breeze rides
- Social events
- Access to a range of club kit

Our primary modes of communication is via this club website and social media (facebook), so please follow us to get the latest updates and discussions on club events and social rides, etc.
For those not yet joined or who have membership queries, I will be away from the beginning of next week until June, (unfortunately missing the KLCC Sportive so please sign up!) so please contact any members of the committee at events / social rides or via the facebook page for membership whilst I’m away. Membership forms can be found here
Martin Hayes
KLCC Membership Secretary
Excellent job, Martin! I think our membership is great value for money, and I’m always happy to accept new membership applications at the TTs on Wednesdays.
Just wondering if there was any contact details to find out more, before sending a membership application….Or should I just send it and turn up Thursday evenings? Thanks
Hello Mike. Try our Thursday ride. You can ride as a Guest first time. Ride and try but I’m sure you will join after 😉
The best way to follow is our Fb page
See you on Thursday
Hi, I and a couple of friends did the Sportive on Sunday 4th june. I was wondering where all the pictures that were taken will be stored.
I got asked by the other riders so I thought I would ask.
On behalf of us I would like to say what a well organised ride it was everybody was very friendly and a joy to ride with, first one for me but defo will not be my last.